Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Unstoried People


The city which breathes like an organism
neon-bathed alleys, steel and concrete for skin
and still other creatures that crawl round within

And move silently through its veins like a cell
Through the hubs and the ports that with people do swell
like arteries from hearts to places unwell.

For dark are these corners where the diseases do dwell
and anything that anybody could want they will sell.
Inside each creature both a heaven and hell.

Unstoried People

In joy do we dance, and In anger do rage
In passion's fit burn the world, and dance round it's flames

And watch damned knowledge be lost
Before damned knowledge transferred
And all lessons cut short
Before anything learned
While the flames dance on high
While our heritage burns
While our hopes for new future in the same breath are birthed
For a legacy til now that's been nothing but cursed
Owes a fate secretly desired that's moreover been earned

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